Saturday, January 07, 2006

Request for assistance from a great organization

The World Food Summit reports that 800 million people suffer from
hunger today, and we at Food For Everyone Foundation know how to really
help them solve the problem! May I show you how your efforts can be
the most productive, and how you can make a lasting difference for

Rather than feeding someone for a day, I propose you help us "Teach a
man to fish," help him find bait and a fishing pole - thus helping him
for a lifetime - and then have him "Pay it Forward,” so it multiplies!

The following examples of “paying it forward” really had an impact on
me as I reviewed the exciting things that are happening. Join me for
just a brief look at what we at Food For Everyone Foundation are doing
to help families in the developing nations really help themselves solve
their hunger problems.

We don't send food or clothing to people in other countries. There is
obviously a need for that in disaster situations, but institutions such
as the Red Cross already do it well. Rather, we’ve observed that
continued giving of "things" to people often perpetuates the poverty
persona - and that done too much it can actually increase their
continued dependence on others for assistance.

Instead, we are working to eradicate hunger and poverty by helping
people help themselves, and we do it by teaching amazingly successful
food production methods to people in needy parts of the world and by
using small micro-enterprise-type “pay-it-forward loans” to help them
become self-sufficient, thus feeding themselves and others for a
lifetime. With unique methods that work virtually everywhere in the
world, and using only simple hand tools, even on “worn out” ground our
graduates have improved their crop yields as much as ten to one, thus
enabling one person to feed 25-50 people! These scientifically proven and productive gardening methods were
developed by Dr. Jacob Mittleider while conducting 75 projects in 27
countries over the past 38 years. A few brief examples illustrate how
they have dramatically improved the lives of students, their families,
and even their communities. In Zimbabwe, Africa, Kenneth Zundu, who previously earned $20
cash in a year, within 6 months of graduating had fed his extended
family and sold the excess crops for $585. And within a year he “paid
forward his loan” by coaching 80 other farmers in the same methods! In Russia, (where over 700 were trained) Tatyana Vasilievna
from Kirov “paid forward her loan” by teaching over 300 others herself,
and two of her students have over 10,000 families growing with these
methods - and 50,000 people receive their weekly Gardening Newspaper! In Papua New Guinea, a school & hospital went from near
bankruptcy to prosperity, and the last we heard they continued to have
$120,000 annual net profit from their gardening operations. Symbolic of
the dramatic change in those students’ lives is Silas, who “paid
forward his loan” by teaching and helping many others, and finally by
becoming His Excellency Sir Silas Atapare, the current Governor
General, or President of the country.

In Trinidad, Dindial Sikumar, now the largest grower in the
country, reports that previous to being trained in the Food For
Everyone methods, those farmers were unable to even sustain their
families, while today on that small island nation over 200 commercial
growers (“the only ones making any money”) are prospering by using the
knowledge Dindial taught them to “pay forward his loan.” And right now in Madagascar, we are creating a training
facility and teaching the first class of 29 intelligent and highly
motivated men and women in the capital city of “Tana,” while also
working one-on-one with them in their own farms and gardens, helping
them apply their new-found knowledge to their own situations and

Read about some of these terrific people on our website at You can help these or follow-on students be Madagascar’s Kenneth,
Tatyana, Sir Silas, or Dindial! In six weeks they will graduate and we
will be assisting them with small “pay-it-forward loans” to create
better lives for themselves, their families, and their communities.

You see, it’s not at all like just giving things to people who line up
for a hand-out. Each of these people paid 20% of the average
Malagasy’s annual earnings as tuition to get the training, and will
have invested 7 hours a day in the class and garden, plus personal
study time, for three months to really learn and apply the principles
of scientific food production! We think you’ll agree they have earned
the opportunity to do something with it now!

The foundation is really doing some incredible work! Yet our ability
to help, and the scope of our involvement, are dependent on the
assistance we receive from you and others who desire to help make a
difference for good in the world. Dr. Mittleider’s unique legacy of
nine books - in both hard copy and searchable CD - and his
comprehensive series of video lectures are the primary tools the
Foundation instructors are using to rapidly spread this important
knowledge to those countries of the world that so desperately need it.
And with a little money in a lot of places we can magnify our past
successes and help many more deserving families around the world.
Changing peoples’ lives starts with the proper materials and
instruction. Then, upon graduating from the intensive 12-week
classroom and hands-on training in food production and business
principles, students only need a little “seed money” to succeed - with
just a rake, shovel and hoe, good seeds, natural mineral nutrients, and
a few other simple materials. And it is so exciting to know that they
will produce amazing results in almost any kind of soil or climate with
a minimum of water!

This is why it can be a godsend for people in all
parts of the world, especially those areas where water is scarce or
food production has been difficult.
All religions’ scriptures teach us to do good with material wealth by
helping others. Isn’t that one of the best ways we can “pay forward”
God’s loan to us of material possessions? What better way than
teaching people how to feed themselves for a lifetime and then giving
them the tools with which to do it (after all, why would anyone teach a
man to fish without making sure he has bait and a fishing pole.)!

We currently are being asked to take this on-site training and
gardening material to needy people in many developing countries. The
Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Public Charitable organization, and your
tax-deductible contribution will help greatly. Please join with us
now, and help provide the funds necessary to carry out this important
work. The enclosed list of options will show you exactly how.
Thanks for helping us teach hungry families how to feed themselves, and
then giving them the tools with which to do so.

James B. Kennard, President
Would you like to be a part of something as important and worthwhile as
giving people the capacity to take care of themselves in the most basic
of human needs - feeding themselves and their families? Any amount you
can give will be helpful. And you can immediately receive benefits
yourself, for example:

Friend - For a $35 donation, you provide books for one student. And we
will give you the electronic version of The Mittleider Gardening
Course, which in hard copy sells at for $40!!

Member - A $50 gift will provide good quality garden tools for a
student, and you may add the electronic 6 Steps to Successful
Gardening, which sells for $10 in hard copy.

Contributor - With a $75 gift you can provide seeds to grow a ¼ acre
garden. Using the Mittleider Method, a student can expect a yield of
$5000 to $6,000 in a single 6 month growing season from a garden this
size. And in most places we're going, these people struggle all year
for $300 to $400!! The 9 Mitleider Manuals ($20 value) will be added to
the above electronic books for your personal gardening education.

Sponsor - With only $100 you can guarantee a great yield of healthy
vegetables by providing a year’s supply of natural mineral nutrients
for a student's garden. And we will, upon your request, send you the
Garden Master CD - a gardening tool that took a PhD educator 3 years
and $100,000 to create, and which has the foregoing books and manuals

Patron - A $250 gift will allow us to make a micro-enterprise-type
“pay-it-forward loan” to a student, providing him or her all the basic
materials they need. This small amount of money, and the knowledge and
training we will provide, are the only things millions of people in the
developing countries need to break the terrible cycle of poverty and
ignorance which hold them in chains of misery. Your immediate reward
will be the electronic version of The Garden Doctor, which can make you
an expert in diagnosing plant growing problems.

Benefactor - For $500 you can provide classroom materials for an entire
project! Imagine the feeling of knowing you have impacted 40-60 lives
(students and their families) forever. And we will be pleased to give
you access to all of the electronic training materials listed above as
our way of saying thank you.

Angel - Some of you may be able to help as much as $1,000. A gift of
this size could allow a project to grow from 1 acre to 3 acres, by
providing a 7 horsepower tiller or a water pump! The difficult and
time-consuming work of preparing the ground with shovels and
hand-carrying water really limit the size garden a group of students
can grow. Consider yourself an angel of mercy and goodness, and add the
Searchable CD database of Dr. Mittleider’s 9 books and 9 manuals to
your gardening library.

For assistance beyond the $1,000 level, which is surely needed if we
are to reach and help large numbers of people, please call us at
1-888-548-4449, and we will be thrilled to have your association in
this great work.
_____________Yes I am pleased to help Food For Everyone Foundation teach the world’s
families how to feed themselves. My tax-deductible contribution is
enclosed in the amount of $____________. Alternatively, I am donating
online at and receiving the electronic version
of Dr. Mittleider’s gardening books _______
Name _______________________________________________ Telephone
# ______________
Address _____________________________________________ Email
Food For Everyone Foundation - 36 North State Street, Salt Lake City,
Utah 84103 (888) 548-4449

Lets help these people Please


About the next mission

Food For Everyone Foundation
848 Woodruff Way
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
(888) 355-4449

We were in Armenia twice in 2004, and from May 15 to July 15 in 2005. In 2004 we assisted 64 families in 8 villages. In 2005 we traveled to 5 villages and assisted about 200 families - both times to grow much better and more productive gardens. However, there is still much that needs to be done to effect substantive long-term change and improvement for many more people in Armenia as well as neighboring, Turkey.

Based on 40 years’ experience in 31 countries, we feel strongly that the best way to effect the real improvement we are seeking is by properly and thoroughly training leaders from participating villages in a single central location, and then assisting them apply what they've learned as leaders in their own villages.

To accomplish this, we have purchased a teaching facility with a 3 acre parcel of ground. We've prepared a large room sufficient to accommodate 25 people, and we've had a 20' X 40' seedling greenhouse built to our specifications. The greenhouse still needs to be covered with 6 mil Greenhouse Plastic or dual-wall Polycarbonate panels - depending on availability of funding.

We will invite the best participants from the villages we assisted in both 2004 and 2005 to attend a training program for 10 weeks, 4 days each week and 7 hours per day, with 2 hours in the classroom and 5 hours in the garden/greenhouse each day. We will also invite participants from villages just across the border in Turkey.

During two other days of the week we will visit students' home gardens to assist each of them reproduce what they are learning. Based on past experience we are confident this process will expand our effectiveness many fold. After the 10 week class we will then spend 6 days each week for another 10 weeks, assisting student graduates implement the procedures in their own gardens as well as teach them to other village families.

The Foundation is in a unique position to make a long-term difference for good in the lives of the people of not just Armenia, but Turkey as well. Let me explain.

What we are doing will begin small, but the long-term implications we believe may be profound.
The building and 3 acres of land we have acquired are in Getk, Armenia, less than 2 miles from the Turkish border, and about ¼ mile from the rail line. This rail line represents the only land link between Armenia and its trading partners, and it is currently useless and rusting, because the border with Turkey is closed.

We are establishing a non-profit Training Center for family-based food production at this location by March 1, 2006, with a 20’ X 40’ seedling greenhouse, demonstration gardens, and classroom/teaching facilities, with a large room sufficient to accommodate 25-30 people. We will teach people from surrounding villages the world's best family-based growing procedures in a 10-week intensive training program.

The methods we teach have been successful in substantially increasing family garden yields in many countries throughout the world. In the Russian Commonwealth countries it is reported that this method of growing food is the most productive and popular method in many regions of those countries. .


James B. Kennard, President

Home garden online diary

Hi all this will be an ongoing live account of setting up and using the mittleider method for a home garden. I started one last year but turned into a slacker and did not follow through.

I will start off by telling you all about the organization. Jim is currently preparing for a mission.