Monday, April 04, 2011

Self-Sufficient Living 04-04-2011

Self-Sufficient Living 04-04-2011

Monday, April 4th.12:00PM-1:10PM CT: The Self-Sufficient Homestead with Johnny Max and the Queen.

Episode 120: DIY Top Notch Incubator. Johnny Max tells you how to make your own top-notch incubator that will give your eggs a high hatch rate. The Queen covers lots of news, and together they discuss the threat from the radiation coming from Japan.

1:10PM-1:40PM CT The Self-Sufficient Gardener with Jason Akers.

This Week: Implementing the Spring Garden Plan. Creating a plan is fairly easy. Carrying it out is another matter, especially for a “rebel” like Jason! Today Jason shares some tips to help you put that plan to work successfully in your garden and avoid some of the errors he’s made.
Click the link below to listen
